Pitch Us

We welcome contributions to the Gens Now blog and to Generations Today.

Gens Now

All writers for Gens Now must be members of ASA; to join ASA, click here. Gens Now articles should be newsy takes on topics in aging, or opinion pieces from news on aging topics.

Generations Today

Generations Today articles address news in research, practice, policy and programming. We also welcome Opinion pieces on newsworthy happenings, keeping in mind that there is a lag of up to a month in our editorial process between submission and publication.

Click here to Pitch us

Please keep in mind for both publications that ASA is a membership organization of professionals in the aging services sector. We are not a consumer publication, so articles should not directly address consumers. Prior to pitching article ideas, please read other articles on the site to gain a clear sense of the types of stories we tend to publish. Articles can be up to about 800 words. We also prefer articles to fall under one of our five thematic pillars: Ageism & Culture; Economic Security; Equity & Justice; Health & Well-being; and Innovation & Social Impact.

Generations Journal

It is not possible to submit articles to the Generations Journal. Journal articles are assigned by guest editors well in advance of publication.